Changing the Language





Our offices are located on the shores of Lake Ontario, in Rochester, New York, a few hours drive from one of the largest bilingual markets in the world - the province of Quebec, Canada. Technically, our neighbors to the North shouldn't even be considered bilingual. Store window signs displayed in English attract more than just the ire of the citizenry: It can get the shop owner fined! Not merely a slap on the wrist, either ... up to $1,500 Canadian. Compliance is enforced by the Quebec language police, the Office québécois de la langue française.

With that as a backdrop, is it any wonder that Morning Flight speaks both English and French? For our just-across-the-lake Canadian friends, absolutely, but why stop there. The program also speaks German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. English and German are the only two languages that have so far been implemented fully, but estimates are translated by the program in all five.

So what does this bilingual talent do for estimates? Say you're a printer in Toronto, Canada, and you have customers in both English-speaking Toronto and predominantly French-speaking Montreal. You create the estimate in your native language, select the customer, then sit back and watch Morning Flight compose the estimate in English for International Publishing, Ltd. in Toronto, and in French for Éditions ABC Ltée. in Montreal.


Translating Estimates, Step One


1.ButtonStoreFrom the main menu, click the My Store button, then click My Customers.

2.ButtonAddClick the Add button, then enter the name and address of the customer in Toronto.

3.Click the Country button, then select Canada (English). Save the customer.

4.Do the same for the customer in Montreal, but select Canada (French).

Step Two


There is no step two - we're done. Morning Flight automatically writes all estimates in the language embedded in the customer's country profile. And, yes, you can define new countries and add them to the list. You can even install a new language.




See also


Making Memo Clips