Morning Flight Silver





Take the Express Edition of Morning Flight. Add a fully automatic estimate writer, merchandise pricing, password protection, and the ability to export customers and contacts. The result? Morning Flight Silver, available for $248.00 at the Morning Flight Shop.


The Estimate Manager


Work up quotes, just as you do in the Free Edition, then drop them into a shopping cart and get a written estimate, ready to be mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to your customer.








Merchandise Pricing


Morning Flight merchandise goes beyond material objects, beyond physical things you can see and touch. It's so flexible you can even create merchandise items for time-based activities, things you charge for by the hour.




Because merchandise can be freely mixed with printing quotes in the Estimate Manager, the sky is the limit on what the Silver Edition lets you quote on.




Exporting Customers and Contacts


For mail-merging and importing customers into your accounting program or PDA.





Log-on and Password Protection


At your discretion, Morning Flight Silver can be password protected to keep a disgruntled employee from altering your prices or dropping sand in the gears and messing up the system.

