




This topic shows you how the program is structured. Grouped into three distinct workspaces, the Morning Flight desktop will be familiar to anyone who has ever worked in a print shop.



The Control workspace is where you do your preflight. Here you enter costs and set parameters that will frame the quote and determine pricing.

The Estimating workspace, no surprise there, is where you create quotes and manage estimates.

The Orderdesk workspace is where you enter and track orders. Here you can also access the Flight Engineer, a plug-in that provides inventory control and some useful utilities.


The Control Workspace


ButtonWorld In My World you'll find a number of settings that you have already entered during prelaunch. Not asked during prelaunch was the name of your company, along with your personal preferences and the quantities you quote on most often.

ButtonShop In My Shop you enter your shop's profile and equipment data. It's also the place where you optimize run prices for your local market.

ButtonStore In My Store you keep track of your customers and maintain your products and paper. While the costs and hourly rates you set in My Shop generally control your run prices, costs and markups set in My Store will determine how much you charge for paper.


The Estimating Workspace


ButtonPricer The New Print Quote button, the button you're likely to use more than any other.

ButtonMyWay The My Way Quote button, for creating print quotes under manual control.

ButtonBookPricer The Booklet Quote button, used only for quoting booklets.

ButtonEstimator The Estimate Writer button for consolidating quotes into written estimates.


The Orderdesk Workspace


ButtonRunPricer The New Order button, for entering new print orders.

ButtonJobTracker The Order Tracker button, for keeping track of orders already in the system.

ButtonEngineer The Flight Engineer button. With the Engineer you can manage the inventory of paper you keep on hand. You'll also find stand-alone versions of three pricing engine components that can help you with special projects, quotes you just have to massage by hand and work out on paper. What makes these tools unique is that each can be converted from U.S.A. to ISO paper sizes and from inches to millimeters, independent of the settings you're using for the main program.

